Two spirals. Two outcomes.

By July 24, 2022 April 21st, 2023 Blog, Mindset, Writing

When you break an important habit watch out for second order effects

I can’t run. My back went.
Without exercise things could spiral.


Non-exercise creates lethargy.

Lethargy multiplies daily.

Lethargy breaks good habits.

Broken habits lead to regret.

Regret leads to desire for comfort.

Comfort finds fast easy food.
And maybe drink.

Which rolls into more lethargy, regret and stress.

Stress is amplified by the small stuff.

Amplified stress leads to health issues.

Not cool.


Non-exercise forces alternatives.

Replacing a 5k run with breathing practice opens a new door. A new opportunity.

Breathing well creates calm. Serotonin, dopamine. Happy.

Happy starts the day with an inside smile.

Happy eats positively knowing it’s important to focus on good mood food.

The good foods hold more of the great stuff which repair our body more quickly.


Lethargy still comes knocking.
Lock the door.

Two spirals. Two outcomes.
No competition.

I’ll be tracking my Mood with your app @Gareth Dauncey.

‣ I learnt to breathe a few years ago reading DO Breathe by the beautifully calming @Michael Townsend Williams.
It changed how I think about breath.

#entrepreneurship #mindset #happy

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