Video Talks Podcast 10 : How to Use Sustainable Filmmaking for Your Business with Tom Baker Filmmaker

By July 29, 2020 Podcasts

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When agencies, brands and businesses commission a video, there’s often a lot left on the cutting room floor. But with so much social media hungry customers out there, what if that content could be re-purposed for other campaigns? Tom Baker encourages clients to think differently and use that extra footage economically.

Tom Baker is a director, cinematographer and editor who specialises in inspirational documentary and story-led brand content.
Some of his personal highlights over the last few years include: A film about the holocaust told as an original music video, and an impactful Nike film about a young South African who is breaking down sporting barriers.
He explores new ways of storytelling using experimental approaches, seeking out original and unconventional choices of lenses, music and editing techniques. You’ll find his work across commercials, corporate, adventure films, as well of course as YouTube and IGTV.
He is driven to create authentic and inspirational films with meaning at their heart. Tom loves researching, meeting, listening, filming, editing and sharing incredible stories that he believes will inform, educate and inspire audiences.
Recently, during the Covid19 lockdown he’s created self-initiated videos for brides and grooms, which ultimately went viral.
You'll Discover
  • His unconventional film schooling

  • How he learnt everything he knows

  • Why it’s good to be like a vacuum cleaner on set

  • Why rules are there to be broken

  • How mentors encourage you to do better

  • To have a plan but be ready to throw it away

  • How being reactive can take you into a different place

  • How to get closer to a story with an intimate lens

  • Why using a small camera helps in documentary filmmaking

  • What you need to take your business online on a budget

  • How ‘sustainable filmmaking’ can cut wasted footage and make economic sense

  • Why it’s important to communicate your role to avoid confusion

  • How today’s self-taught freelancer fits into a traditional crew

  • Why it’s important to market yourself as a creator

  • How you can help clients target the right audience

  • Why you should look at photography books

resources & links

Videos That Talk

Tom created this homage to brides & grooms forced to postpone their weddings while in UK lockdown. It hit a nerve and garnered over 500k views on Facebook.

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The 1 Minute Creator Shout-out

This is the film we gave a shout-out to in this episode.

82 was directed by Calum MacDiarmid and produced by Turn the Slate Productions!

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