Being surrounded by people who have already gone through the process of setting up successful businesses is invaluable

It’s like a more personalised LinkedIn chat

It is rare for freelancers to ever get a chance to calmly openly share such important concerns about one's own businesses

I really enjoyed the diverse advice and creative input from everyone – it’s great to be part of this!

The Mentor Exchange

An initiative for you, me and everyone like us.

Learn More

Ever needed to bounce ideas?

To find someone on the same page?

With the same problems?

How it works

The Mentor Exchange is here for you, me and everyone like us. You’re invited to join us for The Mentor Exchange Sessions – designed as mutual mentorship support for each other in these uncertain times.

We are hosting sessions via Zoom – inviting people who are looking to start something, together with entrepreneurs who run their own businesses, to share knowledge and advice in these changing times.

The free 1 hour sessions are inclusive, for anyone who is experiencing uncertainty while looking for opportunity amongst the chaos.

If you’d like to be part of the sessions, just register and we’ll send you a personal invite. A calendar schedule of initial online sessions will be updated below.

At least i tried didn't I_One flew over the cuckoos nestBlogEntrepreneursMindsetWriting
July 25, 2022

‘At least I tried didn’t I… at least I did that’

Don't quote me, but...
July 11, 2022

The Power of The DO

This is the power of community. The positive impact of multiple souls in tune with…